If you're searching for a reliable Chinese repacking agent to manage your goods or small parcels, you've come to the right place. Here’s how our repacking service works:
Tell us your requirements.
We provide you with a unique Chinese warehouse address, complete with your client code/mark, in Chinese language for your suppliers.
You can order items from any Chinese supplier. If you don’t have a supplier, we can assist you in sourcing products.
Please provide us with a goods list that includes [product name], [variants], [order time], and [tracking number]. This helps us manage your parcels effectively. Note that this is optional; if you choose not to send this information, you will be responsible for tracking your parcels.
Our in-warehouse service ensures we receive your items and provide feedback based on the repacking service package you select.
We consolidate all your miscellaneous items into one cardboard box and remove unnecessary packaging to help you save on international shipping costs.
Finally, we hand over your items to your designated shipping agent/warehouse through a domestic shipping company. We will provide you with tracking numbers and proof of shipment. If you don’t have an international shipping channel or agent, we can help you find one.
Repacking Service Pricing
The price for our repacking service depends on the level of complexity.
We offer several service packages, which you can check out at 🖐️ chinassistant.com.
Here’s a brief overview ❤️ :
Package 1: Collection, Repacking, and Shipping (repacking service fee : 0.5usd per parcel )
“I need a Chinese repacking agent.
I purchase items from my supplier and send them to your warehouse.
You help me remove the boxes, consolidate them into one box, and ship it.”
Yes, we can do that! 0.5usd per parcel
If you have 10 parcels, the service fee will be 10 * $0.50 = $5.00.
(For more information, please contact us on WhatsApp or check our website.)
Question: My warehouse can handle repacking for me. Why do I need your service?
Reply: If you’re visiting our site, it likely means you need this service.
Here are a few reasons why:
- Your shipping agent may not accept mixed parcels and might not have the time to sort them.
- You may not trust the quality of your supplier’s packaging and need someone to represent you.
- There could be shipping requirement issues that need addressing.
- And more...
package 2 : you care more about quality control ,lets talk about this on whatsapp